Re-entering the Fray

The last year has been one of Learning. I took some time away from building this community to focus on family (got married this Fall), a new full time job that had me learning a ton, making my way, and fulfilling my heart purpose in mission in new ways. I knew I would not have the time to devote to this blog, or this website overall, as I started the New Year and instead decided to focus on my local tribes of women and leave the digital world in dormancy for a while. 

The choice has strengthened my resolve to focus this work on Spending Time in Nature, and on Community. These are the elements of Happier Outside that light me up. 

Spending Time, for me, must be active - but not competitive. I must move my body - if only for a mile or two, or half an hour or so... 

Community can be one dear friend, or a large group of acquaintances... but I feel much more enlivened when I am with another beautiful soul. We can talk, we can sit, we can simple Be. But having a witness to the experience for me somehow heightens it.

This week has been one of great emotion - the contentious election has wiped me out, and has many of my friends feeling bereft, and scared, and fearful. My own kids have been very emotional and of great need this week. My work has ramped up again in intensity. My partner and I haven't spent as much time together as we like. It's been a big week. So I mark this moment in time with this post - to remind those of who read it that we MUST head outside to clear our minds, reconnect our hearts and salvage our souls.

With love. Mxx